Monday, September 16, 2024
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Santiago de Chile, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) The 48-hour strike called by the Chilean Teachers' Association took place with a 90 percent compliance, affirmed the president of the union, Carlos Díaz Marchant.
Santiago, Chile, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) The College of Chilean Teachers informed that they will stage a new 48-hour strike starting on Wednesday to called for a response to a list of demands presented to the Government.
Santiago, Chile, Jul 27 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Chilean Teachers' Association, Carlos Díaz, on Wednesday announced the possibility of calling a new strike if the government does not respond to their demands, including the payment of a historic debt.
Santiago de Chile, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) The national board of the Chilean Teachers' Association called for a 24-hour national strike today to demand improvements in education and other demands.
Montevideo, Jun 21 (Prensa Latina) The Coordinator of Education Unions of Uruguay (CSEU) convened a 24-hour national strike, which will affect both public and private education.
London, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) Teachers in Scotland, the United Kingdom, on Tuesday began another two days of strike action demanding better working conditions and a 10-percent pay increase.
Paris, Dec 12 (Prensa Latina) The French Montpellier Cuba Solidarité Association on Monday reiterated its support for Cuba after a year of activities that included donations and accompanying Cuban work delegations.
Luanda, Nov 24 (Prensa Latina) Angola's teachers are on strike from Thursday, after the National Union of Teachers (SINPROF) called for a strike demanding effective responses from the Government to the union's demands.