Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



La Paz, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's former President Evo Morales today congratulated Cuban revolutionary leader Raúl Castro, who is celebrating nine decades of life.
La Paz, May 30 (Prensa Latina) Former Bolivian President Evo Morales today questioned promoters of the de facto regime who 'used the Bible to kill and steal', and after the arrest of former government minister Arturo Murillo 'now condemn him to get rid of guilt'.
La Paz, May 4 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia enjoys a recovered democracy today with the strength, will and awareness of the people in the October 2020 elections, former President and Movement For Socialism (MAS)leader Evo Morales said on Tuesday.
La Paz, May 1 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian Former President Evo Morales celebrated the 15th anniversary of hydrocarbon nationalization in the country, a historic decision that allowed redistribution of oil revenues in social benefit programs.
La Paz, Apr 29 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's former president and leader of the Movement Towards Socialism, Evo Morales, on Thursday repudiated the motion approved by the European Parliament in favor of the release of the former de facto governor Jeanine Añez.
La Paz, Apr 1 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia's former president and leader of the Movement Towards Socialism, Evo Morales, on Thursday demanded the US government to put an end to the blockade against Cuba, which he described as criminal and inhumane.