Saturday, October 05, 2024
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Beijing, May 21 (Prensa Latina) China successfully launched the Kuaizhou 11 vehicle, carrying four new satellites, including an ultra-low orbit technology test satellite, the China Aerospace Science and Industry portal reported.
Santiago, Chile, Apr 9 (Prensa Latina) The book "Haydée Santamaría. Revolución y Cultura" (Haydée Santamaría. Revolution and Culture), about the Cuban fighter and founder of the Casa de las Americas cultural institution, was launched at the International Book Fair of Social Sciences, which continues in Chile this Tuesday.
Rome, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) Cuban historian and essayist Ernesto Limia concludes on Friday a cycle of colloquia in eight Italian cities, where he gave a keynote speech at the Sapienza University of Rome and launched his book "De Patria y Cultura en Revolución" (From Homeland and Culture in Revolution).
Pyongyang, Jan 31 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched a Hwasal-2 strategic cruise missile on Tuesday, the 30th in the waters of the West Sea, the General Staff of the People's Army (KPA) reported on Wednesday through the State news agency KCNA.
Havana, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) The Fayad Jamis bookstore, in Havana's Historic Center, will launch the book "Periodismo en la radio. Elementos para potenciar el interés en las informaciones radiales" (Radio Journalism. Elements to enhanced interest in radio news) on Wednesday.
Havana, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's flagship popular orchestra has a new album "Modo Van Van" (Van Van Mode), which already circulating in the country. It is a production coupled with modern times, without losing the essence of 'songo' and dance music.
Havana, Nov 8 (Prensa Latina) The Villena Hall of the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) in this capital on Wednesday launched the book ¡Apunten...! (Aim!), by Cuban journalist and poet Reinaldo Cedeño.
San Salvador, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) The book Letters of Farewell, which contains letters from the heroic guerrilla fighter Ernesto Che Guevara to his loved ones, will be launched in El Salvador on Sunday, his sponsors announced.