The ceremony took place at the Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Surgical Clinical Hospital in the presence of the Japanese Ambassador to Cuba, Mr. Nakamura Kazuhito, the president of the NGO Chamaquito Mark Kuster and authorities of the Government and Public Health. The opening of the project “Installation of medical equipment for newborns in two hospitals in the province of Santiago de Cuba” was supported by the donation of a gasometer for the Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira Children’s Hospital and two incubators to the Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Surgical Clinic.
The donations are the result of financing from the Japanese Embassy and are made through the Swiss NGO Chamaquito, which participates in several projects in Santiago de Cuba.
In this regard, Japanese Ambassador Nakamura Kazuhito said he hopes that this project will contribute to improve the care of infants and newborns, that the equipment will be used in a safe and sustainable way and insisted that the donations are the result of the goodwill of the Japanese people toward Cubans.
The president and founder of the Swiss NGO, Mark Kuster, said that being able to help improve medical care in Cuba is a personal fulfillment and a recognition of the efforts of health workers, thanked the government of Japan for trusting this organization to donate the means to the Cuban health system.