According to the web portal El 19, in a recent speech on the occasion of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the permanent representative of Managua to the United Nations, Jaime Hermida, stressed the urgency of strengthening a culture of peace based on the principles of love, solidarity and mutual respect.
In this sense, he advocated building a future where all social, cultural and religious expressions are recognized, valued and integrated in a harmonious way, promoting unity and progress of peoples.
Hermida stated that his country is convinced that the consolidation of peace requires the cultivation and practice of essential values such as tolerance, solidarity, cooperation and inclusion.
“Nicaragua repudiates and condemns all forms of Islamophobia, it is essential to foster talks between nations, religions and cultures,” he emphasized.
He added that only through the promotion of mutual understanding can peace, social stability and respect for diversity at the global, regional, national and local levels be strengthened.
The official stressed the importance of promoting respect for Mother Earth, cultural, religious and ideological diversity, as well as individual and collective rights to guarantee ‘human dignity, freedom, the interculturality of peoples and peaceful coexistence among societies’.
“Together we can eradicate hatred and replace it with understanding and mutual respect.”
Let us not allow ignorance to divide what humanity must hold together: the dignity and rights of all people, said Hermida.
He affirmed that the fight against Islamophobia is not only the responsibility of Muslim brothers, but a duty of all societies that defend human rights.