In a statement from the Board of Directors, the Parlatino emphasized that the regional legislature has historically opposed the use of unilateral coercive measures, considering them contrary to international law.
For Parlatino, Cuba’s inclusion on this unilateral list is unfair and unfounded, as stated in its declaration at the 38th Ordinary Assembly of that institution last December.
According to the text, a few days after the outgoing US Government stated that its agencies did not have any evidence to keep Havana on that list and proceeded to remove it, the new Donald Trump administration ordered its reinstatement.
The Parlatino pointed out that this arbitrary and unilateral measure seeks to protect the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba for more than six decades.
The US blockade remains in place although every year the United Nations General Assembly has called for its lifting since 1992, the Parlatino added.
This policy of economic suffocation causes serious material damage, fuels emigration, violates the Cuban people’s right to development, and has an extraterritorial nature by affecting third parties in their commercial or financial relations with Cuba, the message concluded.