On his X profile, the president stated that these specialists are an example for the new generations.
He recalled that “more than half of the protagonists of the prestigious Cuban science have the face and soul of a woman. With their commitment and with that wonderful and resilient resource that is Cuban talent, we continue to advance,” he added.
According to the National Statistics and Information Office (ONEI), nearly 51,000 women work in science and technology activities in Cuba, representing the highest number in recent years.
Some of them have won major international awards, held high responsibilities in research centers, and led scientific projects and programs.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many remained on the front lines of the fight, participated in the development of new research projects, and co-led the trials of the country’s vaccine candidates.
Two of the eight Cuban academics selected in 2020 to participate in the International Panel of Experts as an Advisory Group for the fight against this pandemic were women.
Cuba is one of the seven nations that have achieved gender parity in scientific research and a significant presence of women among the authors of relevant publications, innovations, invention patents, and awards, according to a report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).