They are Verónica Piñeiro, Mario Bergara and Salvador Schelotto, who obtained the majority of the votes of the delegates of sectors and coordinators.
Silvana Pissano, mayor of the capital’s Municipality B, withdrew from the competition at the last minute. Juan Ceretta, for the Socialist Party, a fifth aspirant, did not show up at the plenary session.
Piñeiro, IM’s environment manager and vice-president of the FA, finished first in the voting with 95 ballots. She was promoted by the Communist Party of Uruguay, La Amplia and Nuevo Espacio, among other frenteamplista sectors.
In second place was the architect Schelotto, promoted by the Vertiente Artiguista and obtained 88 votes in the plenary.
Meanwhile, Senator Bergara, who had the support of Seregnistas, Movimiento de Participación Popular and El Abrazo, among other FA groups, obtained 82 votes.
On the other side, the Republican Coalition (CR) agreed to carry three candidates for the MI.
The departmental convention of the CR, which is made up of parties of the government coalition, made official Martín Lema, of the National Party and former Minister of Social Development.