A communiqué from the Political Bureau of the organization expresses that it ‘greets and congratulates the Cuban people for the diplomatic victory’ that this achievement represents.
It adds that placing Cuba on that list was ‘a historic affront to a country that has promoted peace processes and talks in the region, and that has been the victim of attacks and crimes by criminals sponsored and defended by the U.S. government and the anti-Cuban sedition’.
However, it warns that the measure, although positive, is insufficient, for which reason ‘the United States must immediately end the blockade of Cuba that has been in place for more than six decades’.
It also points out that this request has been ratified by the absolute majority of the States in various votes at the United Nations and by hundreds of social organizations and peoples around the world.
The so-called sanctions affect the Cuban people and constitute measures that violate international law, which include affecting financial transactions, health cooperation with other countries and merchant ships arriving in Cuba.
These measures, adds the text, also affect U.S. citizens, who are prevented from trading with Cuban entities, with very restricted exceptions, and from visiting Cuba, an important tourist destination.
We will remain alert to any attempt by the new U.S. administration to intensify the set of sanctions and intimidating measures against Cuba’, states the statement.
The PCP-Patria Roja also affirms that ‘solidarity with Cuba constitutes one of the most important causes of justice for humanity’.