From the afternoon of this Thursday until Sunday, January 12, Gellibert is at the head of the government, because by executive decree the president appointed her vice president in charge to replace the holder of the office, Verónica Abad.
In a press conference, Abad accused the government of breaking the constitutional order and orchestrating a coup d’état by not giving him the presidency, so he filed legal actions to annul both executive decree 500 and 494, which appointed Gellibert.
The legal picture is further complicated after the National Assembly (Parliament) returned Decree 500 to the Government.
The secretary of the legislative body, Alejandro Muñoz, warned that if the president were to entrust the head of the executive to Gellibert, -as indeed happened- both could face legal problems.
Also, Muñoz said that for the Ecuadorian Parliament “the acting vice president is Mrs. Maria Veronica Abad”, because there has been no declaration of temporary absence or abandonment of office of the incumbent elected at the ballot box in 2023.