According to Veja magazine, a joint operation was instituted to protect Brasilia after the identification of violent threats spread by extremists on social networks.
The initiative aims to prevent possible aggressions against the headquarters of the three branches of government.
The maneuver gained urgency after the arrest on Sunday of a man in the state of Bahia (northeast), accused of planning an attack in the federal capital.
The suspect is part of a group under surveillance by security forces, who have intensified their efforts in the face of violent speeches similar to those of the man who tried to set off homemade bombs last month at the Supreme Federal Court (STF).
Faced with coercion, the authorities created a coordination cabinet to direct the operation, which began on December 28th and will run until January 12.
The choice of the period is not random. It coincides with the characteristic end-of-year holiday movement, and with the second anniversary of the coup attacks on January 8, a date marked in black in Brazil’s national history.