The head of Venezuelan diplomacy expressed on those terms on his Telegram channel to commemorate the anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, established on December 29, 1950.
Gil stressed that this unity “was raised to a significant level with the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez to the presidency in 1998.”
Throughout the Bolivarian Revolution, our peoples strengthened the ties of friendship and cooperation, “working together in various areas and promoting mutual economic, cultural and social development,” he said. On May 13, President Nicolás Maduro signed a Law Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments with Turkey, aimed to advance investment, trade and economic integration between Caracas and Ankara.
Maduro stressed that the legislation will raise relations to a higher level on those three fronts and noted that the two nations are advancing in the diversification of the real economy under the principles of economic cooperation and the construction of a pluricentric world.