Saturday, October 26, 2024
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DPRK Foreign Ministry denounces US provocations

Pyongyang, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) denounced that today's intention of the United States to confront the armed forces of this country is becoming more open, after provocations by the Republic of Korea.

According to KCNA News Agency, this was stated by the Foreign Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry, which warned about the persistence of extreme tension on the Korean Peninsula.

The agency pointed out that since last 21st US forces together with the warmongers of the ROK military circle have been carrying out the large-scale joint air exercise Freedom Flag, introducing the Australian air force into the Korean Peninsula.

Denouncing other enemy actions against the DPRK, he said that the joint military exercises are a dangerous military provocation aimed at striking a pre-emptive and surprise blow.

He also said that the military tensions are rising further in the area because the Washington administration moved the attack flotilla of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington to the Korean Peninsula.

If a circumstance that no one wants is created on the Korean Peninsula, all the responsibility will fall on the United States, which is the main culprit in exacerbating the regional situation, Pyongyang stressed.
