Friday, October 25, 2024
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Cuba condemns sanctions against Zimbabwe

Havana, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The head of the International Relations Department of the Communist Party of Cuba, Emilio Lozada, reaffirmed today the condemnation of the unilateral sanctions imposed against Zimbabwe.

Through social media, the party official expressed his support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Day against Sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the United States and the European Union.

“We reiterate our support to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and to that brotherly people in the face of these unilateral coercive measures that hinder their legitimate right to development,” Lozada stressed in his message.

Yesterday, the Zimbabwean Head of State, Emmerson Mnangagwa, in his capacity as president of the SADC, renewed the call for the lifting of the sanctions imposed against his country.

In a statement, he considered it historic that the 40th Summit of Heads of State and Government of this regional group declared October 25 as SADC Anti-Sanctions Day.

The decision taken adds impetus to the collective resolve to fight against these illegal measures imposed for more than two decades, which violate the basic human rights of the country’s citizens, Mnangagwa pointed out.

It is the people, particularly the most vulnerable, who suffer the impact of these hateful and inhumane measures most, also affecting Zimbabwe’s economic and social progress, futher he said.

Mnangagwa underscored the value of the support offered by the SADC community in demanding the immediate and unconditional lifting of the sanctions, which violate the basic principles of international law and the UN Charter. He also called on all progressive countries to maintain support for this cause, to enable Zimbabwe and SADC to continue to contribute to the economic and social advancement of the African region and the world.
