Friday, October 25, 2024
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Brazil´s position on Venezuela entering BRICS described as shameful

Caracas, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The president of Venezuelan Parliment Jorge Rodríguez today personally described the position taken by the Brazilian Foreign Ministry on Venezuela's entry into the BRICS as shameful.

In statements from the state of Anzoátegui (north), the legislator responded to the press this step by Itamaraty is offensive, rude and a true historical shame, in addition to being a grovelling position of those who kneel.

He stressed this attitude does not correspond “with the objectives or principles of this BRICS summit meeting”, which for three days met in the city of Kazan, Russia, with the presence of hundreds of countries and heads of state from various parts of the world.

Rodríguez said that Venezuela has always been generous and supportive and will continue to be so, because “that is the main characteristic of Venezuelans.”

The parliamentarian pointed out that President Nicolás Maduro brought to this summit a clear position, consistent with the principles by which this multilateral group was founded by countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, to give rise to another pole.

The latter, he emphasized, has to be based on freedom, solidarity, independence, exchange, brotherhood and transparency in the growth of new powers.

He valued that the Bolivarian Republic has powerful friends in the world and they understand the need for the revolutionary process to continue its peaceful course, but with absolute respect for national sovereignty and independence.

The Government affirmed yesterday in a statement that “no trick or maneuver conceived against Venezuela will stop the course of history” and ratified its firmness in the defense of self-determination and sovereign equality of States.

He declared that this South American nation is not only the possessor of the largest energy reserve in the world, but also “the standard-bearer of the values, principles and vision of building a fair, multi-center and multipolar world.”

The text pointed out that Venezuela had the “support and backing of the participating countries” in the XVI Summit of the BRICS Plus for the formalization of its entry into this integration mechanism.

However, he said that through “an action that contradicts the nature and postulate of the BRICS, the representation of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry (ltamaraty), led by Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia, decided to maintain the veto that (Jair) Bolsonaro applied to Venezuela for years.”

With this, he reproduced the hatred, exclusion and intolerance promoted by the Western power centers to prevent, for now, the entry of the Homeland of (Simón) Bolívar into this organization, he asserted.
