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On Disarmament Week UN calls for definitive step towards peace

United Nations, Oct 23 (Prensa Latina) World Disarmament Week promotes an effort for peace as the world goes through one of the tensest moments since World War II and the foundation of the UN.

The organization calls for promoting knowledge and a better understanding of disarmament issues and its importance.

The UN was constituted during the nuclear age, after the horrors of World War II and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which highlighted the need to address the nuclear problem, considered the UN’s priority in disarmament matters.

In its first resolution, the General Assembly established the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission with the objective of dealing with the challenges arising from the discovery of nuclear energy. Almost eight decades later, Disarmament Week insists on resolving the intensified tensions and dangers in a better way: through political dialogue and serious negotiations.

According to the UN, weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, remain a key concern, due to their destructive power and the risk they pose to humanity. Excessive stockpiling and illicit trade jeopardize international peace and security as well as sustainable development, while the use of heavy conventional weapons in populated areas poses a serious danger to civilians.

Added to this are the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Myanmar or Sudan; violence in Haiti, or the lack of security around the planet caused by the use of weapons. At the same time, new and emerging technologies being applied to weapons, such as autonomy, jeopardize global security and have attracted greater attention from the international community in recent years.

In response, the forum calls for disarmament measures to maintain international peace and security, defend the principles of humanity, protect civilians, promote sustainable development and build trust between states.

Ending the use of arms and controlling them would make a decisive contribution to international and human security in the 21st century and would therefore promote a credible and effective system of collective security.
