Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Teamsters and other Peruvian Unions gear up for new protests

Lima, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) A broad bloc of Peruvian drivers, small entrepreneurs and other sectors are meeting with social organizations on Thursday to join forces and begin a national strike on October 23. Preparations were confirmed after the Parliament ignored the teamsters' demand to repeal a recently approved law that seeks to impose more lenient penalties on organized crime.

Instead, the Legislature only added a few reforms to the law last night, a move that according to Julio Campos, leader of the National Teamsters Alliance, will not solve the problem of rampant extortion and its linkage with contract killings.

Campos, a self-employed interprovincial collective taxi driver, affirmed that the Government is determined to discredit the movement, which has successfully staged 24-48 hour nationwide strikes in the last few weeks.

Addressing foreign reporters, Campos mentioned that official spokesmen refer to the movement as a matter of informal transporters, like himself, and countered that their fighting for their

lives, adding that murderers extort and kill without distinction.

He pointed out that the protest will be led by the Teamsters Guild Committee, an umbrella group for urban, interprovincial, passenger and freight services, as well as taxis and even the humble motorbike taxis that roam neighborhoods, whose owners are also victims of extortionists.
