Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Former Argentine president highlights importance of public education

Buenos Aires, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Former Argentine president Cristina Fernández today highlighted the importance of free public education during a visit to the National University of Avellaneda (Undav), in the province of Buenos Aires.

In statements to the AM 750 radio station, the former head of state said that it is exciting to celebrate the Day of Peronist Loyalty in an institution of this type, especially in the current context, marked by the struggle of students and teachers against the lack of funding for educational centers.

We built and created Undav in 2009, we expanded it in 2013 and today I see emotional experiences, of people crying, graduating, a lot of love. This is where having fought and believed all my life in the principles that I will maintain until I die, makes all the sense, she said.

This is one of the many things that allowed many Argentines, their children and grandchildren, to have hope for progress and social advancement, he added.

On the other hand, she criticized the violence promoted by the Government of La Libertad Avanza.

“They are theorists and practitioners of hatred. You see it on social networks and in the streets, in how they repress and throw pepper spray at a girl. They also go to the University of Quilmes to break up an assembly and come out to play the victim when there is evidence that it was they who came in to attack,” he commented.

Today, the National University Trade Union Front is carrying out a 24-hour strike against the policies of the Executive and within the framework of the deepening of actions in defense of education.

In the last few hours, the Federation of University Teachers, Researchers and Creators (Conadu Histórica) expressed its support for the occupations, protests, vigils and other initiatives carried out by the student movement throughout the country and repudiated the aggresions and provocations recorded in recent days.

Conadu Histórica denounced that the only purpose of these acts is to delegitimize the student struggle and among them mentioned the speeches of officials who attribute violent actions to the protesters to justify the repression.

In addition, it condemned the pepper spray attack on students in Quilmes and the entry of the Police into the Caleta Olivia Unit of the University of Southern Patagonia, into a higher education center in Salta and into the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in Tucumán, among others.

We call on the authorities to ensure the safety of the students. We demand that the legitimate right to protest be guaranteed and that violence and harassment cease. Those who act in defense of the most precious institutions and values ​​of our society are not repressed, they are protected, says a statement from that organization.
