Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Argentine governor advocates for unity of Peronism

Buenos Aires, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) The governor of the Argentine province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, today denounced the adjustment policies of President Javier Milei and advocated for the unity of Peronism to build an alternative to confront him.

During an event in the town of Berisso for the Day of Peronist Loyalty, Kicillof criticized the measures of the La Libertad Avanza Executive against retirees, students, women, universities, vulnerable sectors and workers in general.

In addition, he condemned the attempts to privatize Aerolíneas Argentinas, the elimination of social programs and transfers to the provinces.

The task today is, as Juan Domingo Perón (former president, 1895-1974) said, to be more brothers than ever. The unity of all Argentines in this beautiful country must be built on the brotherhood of workers, he said.

“I am not interested in any internal dispute. My responsibility and my mandate is to protect the people of Buenos Aires from what Milei does. I want to collaborate with the construction of a superior alternative that puts Argentina in a stage of fair development. The only fight that interests me is against the president’s policies,” he said.

He also warned about the intentions of the right to divide, fragment and weaken Peronism.

“I want to give my opinion on everything that is being discussed. It is very simple: unity, unity and unity,” he said. The happiest days were always Peronist and the best, with Cristina Fernández. There is still a long way to go and it is not time for a candidacy. We will build the future inspired by Perón, Evita, Néstor Kirchner and we will also defend our convictions: dignity is not a business, rights are not measured by profit, solidarity is not a transaction, freedom is only possible with social justice, life is not a market and the homeland is not for sale, he said.

On the other hand, he opposed Milei’s intentions to destroy the State from within and advocated defending and enforcing the Constitution.

The brave reactions and mobilizations of workers, women, human rights organizations and students show us that there is hope, that the people are alive and the future must be written by them in the streets. It is time to commit to the homeland. It is not enough to be the opposition, we have to be an alternative and be close to the people, he said.

They want to drown us financially and isolate us politically because they know that this political project and this people are the ones that will put a stop to Milei at the polls.

We invite you to defend a new collective hope. Peronism suffered a great defeat and is in a moment of reflection and debate. As Cristina says, no one is left out here, he added.

He also denounced the persecution and attempts to ban the movement and Fernández.
