Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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European organizations to ratify support for Cuba in Paris

Paris, Oct 15 (Prensa Latina) Solidarity associations, political forces and other sectors will ratify their support for Cuba and condemnation of the United States blockade in November in Paris, at a forum that will bring together activists from nearly 30 European countries, organizers said on Tuesday.

The headquarters of the Communist Party of France (CPF) will host the 19th European Continental Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba from November 22 through 24, attended by over 250 confirmed delegates from 80 organizations. They run the wide gamut from unions, youth to women’s associations and other social stakeholders.

According to the organizing committee, the event will be held in three committees, the first of which will be in charge of addressing initiatives to strengthen support for Cuba, its Revolution and its people in the face of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington for more than six decades.

Actions against Cuba’s re-inclusion in Washington’s unilateral State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list will also be discussed, a move intended to intensify the country’s financial suffocation.

Delegates will follow up on what was agreed in Brussels in late 2023, during the international tribunal to condemn the blockade and its consequences.

The second committee will analyze how to reinforce solidarity actions with Cuba by promoting economic cooperation as a tool to mitigate the impact of the White House’s aggressive policy and its extraterritorial component.

Meanwhile, the third commission of the 19th European Continental Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba will address communication, by supporting the island country against disinformation campaigns and the media war.
