Monday, October 14, 2024
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Chilean lawmakers approve second accusation against former magistrate

Santiago, Chile, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) The Chamber of Deputies of Chile on Monday approved a second Constitutional Accusation against the former minister of the Supreme Court, Angela Vivanco, who is involved in a scandal known as the Audios Affaire.

The accusation, presented by the Christian Democrats and the ruling coalition, was adopted by 131 votes in favor, one abstention and none against.

Vivanco was removed from the highest court after the airing of her chats with influential criminal lawyer Luis Hermosilla – currently in preventive detention for money laundering, bribery and crimes against the treasury – asking for help for her to be ratified in office.

In exchange, the judge did numerous favors for Hermosilla, from trying to veto the appointment of judges to supporting the promotion of others, in addition to sharing information for reasons of interest, which all qualify as influence peddling.

The accusation will now go to the Senate, where Vivanco faces a first Constitutional Action, along with Supreme Court Judge Sergio Muñoz.

Both the Senate and the Supreme Court seek to disqualify her from public office for a five-year period.
