Monday, October 14, 2024
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Chilean activists demand end to US blockade on Cuba

Santiago, Chile, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean Solidarity Movement with Cuba today issued a press release demanding the United States to put an immediate end to the economic, commercial, and financial blockade and other sanctions imposed on the island nation.

The Movement, represented in all Chilean regions, affirmed that those aggressive policies implemented by Washington for more than six decades have had a dire effect on the population and Cuban economic development.

Among other damages, they have affected access to food, medicines, and basic services for families, which worsens people’s living conditions, the communique denounces.

A Cuban report linked to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 78/7, estimates that if the blockade did not exist, Cuba’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices could have grown by about eight percent in 2023.

In addition, the effect of the economic blockade on access to foreign exchange, raw materials, fertilizers, and other inputs has led to a significant decline in food production.

The arbitrary inclusion of Cuba in Washington’s alleged States Sponsoring Terrorism list has led to the cancellation of commercial operations and investment projects with Cuba.
