Friday, October 11, 2024
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South Korea accused sending drones with subversive propaganda on DPRK

Pyongyang, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused South Korea today of sending drones that launched subversive propaganda over this capital and warned that it will shoot down the next ones.

“The trigger will be pulled without hesitation to defend sovereignty and security” (if another similar incident occurs), proclaimed a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the document, in the late hours of October 3, 9 and 10, South Korean drones dropped thousands of leaflets over the populous municipality of Jung “that discredit the sovereignty and dignity of the DPRK and defame its socialist regime,” with which Seoul crossed “the red line of its provocative behavior.”

He said that to make matters worse, drones were used, which can be considered a means of military attack, and stressed that “this is such a serious provocation that it cannot be tolerated or forgiven.”

The hostility goes beyond the limit, constitutes a flagrant violation of the sacred national sovereignty and security of the DPRK and international law, and is a serious act of military attack, the price of which must be paid without fail, he stressed.

He also pointed out that the operation reveals “very dangerous and adventurous” behavior that increases the danger of a war on the Korean Peninsula, and called on the international community to condemn it in strong terms “to stop the bravado” of South Korea.

We consider the case as a serious political-military provocation that we must punish, exercising the right to self-defense without the need to give further explanations, he emphasized.

The DPRK Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff and units at various levels of the People’s Army, it said, have made preparations to respond to the various circumstances arising from the incident.

It added that, as a first step, all the DPRK attack means will be mobilized and will be capable of taking action at any time to thwart similar or other provocations.
