Friday, October 11, 2024
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Nicaraguan Parliament requests Government to severe ties with Israel

Managua, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua’s National Assembly, (Parliament) asked the Sandinista Government on Friday to consider severing diplomatic relations with the Government of Israel, for the atrocious actions the latter has committed against the Palestinian people.

The Assembly’s Speaker, Gustavo Porras, received on Friday a communiqué from lawmakers condemning the genocide committed by the Israeli forces against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and other areas.

“This systematic destruction that began 76 years ago has claimed over 42,000 lives since October 2023, mainly women, children and the elderly; every day the numbers continue to increase,” the communiqué stressed.

It added that Zionism and its allies are imposing their arrogance, cruelty, extreme hatred against innocent families, by mercilessly bombing civilian infrastructures, such as hospitals, schools and homes.

According to the text, these brutal actions leave the population devastated, not only by the killings, but also by the destruction of their livelihoods.

“The brutality of the Israeli Government reflects a clear position of a war of extermination, which constitutes a crime of genocide, against humanity and a deliberate policy of annihilation,” the communiqué stressed.

They deemed the massacre in Gaza as “the most detestable atrocity of the 21st century and one of the worst in the history of humanity.”

Lawmakers reiterated their demand for the fulfillment of all United Nations resolutions for the creation of the State of Palestine, as a free, sovereign, independent and self-rulingd State.
