Friday, October 11, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Massive expulsion of Haitians may jeopardize Dominican agriculture

Santo Domingo, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) The director of the Dominican Association of Banana Producers (Adobanano), Martin Edwardo, warned today about eventual losses to the sector following the massive deportation of Haitians, who make for a substantial part of the work force.

Edwardo said the Government’s migratory plan brings plenty of uncertainty into producers who prepare the weekly banana packing, andf also causes insecurity among the buyers, because there is a risk of non-compliance’.

The same goes for the rice segment, whose representatives say they feel the pressure of the plan from the General Direction of Migration in the zones of Montecristi and Mao.

They explained that these territories are in full preparation of the land to irrigate the seeds, and the availability of labor is scarce, while the persecution of the authorities mounts.

Edwardo said that Haitians are reluctant to leave the farm to work for fear of being deported, while others volunteered back to their country of origin so as not to lose their belongings in case of being returned.

He warned of complications in the face of labor shortage, especially in the area of Valverde and Montecristi.

Accordingly, the Adobanano director urged to regularize the workers with temporary employment visas, thus protecting them from deportation.

We agree laws must be obeyed, but if we are to save the banana industry it is necessary to regularize the workers, as the only way to comply with the established contracts, he argued.
