Wednesday, October 09, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Mozambique holds Parliamentary elections

Maputo, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) Some 17 million Mozambicans entitled to vote are casting their ballots today to elect the 250 members of the national and provincial parliament assemblies.

The Frelimo Party, legitimate heir to the Mozambique Liberation Front, the armed nationalist movement that defeated Portugal and forced it to grant independence, appears as favorite to obtain the majority in the Legislative Power.

The next Frelimo presidential candidate, who will succeed the current president, Filipe Nyusi, will come from those elected deputies. Daniel Chapo seems the most likely figure to fill the post.

Today’s legislative elections are taking place against an unfavorable scenario, as Islamist radicals keep on raiding villages and military post, which add to a crippling drought that is just beginning to subside.

The outbreak of the so-called Revolucion de los Claveles (Carnation Revolution) in Portugal in 1975 and the collapse of the dictatorship headed at that time by Marcelo Caetano favored the beginning of the decolonization of the Portuguese overseas colonies, after 500 years of plundering natural resources in African and Asian territories.

The independence of the Portuguese colonies in Africa would lead to the end of the Apartheid regime in South Africa, the establishment of a government elected by universal suffrage, the independence of Namibia and the end of Israeli political penetration in the south of the continent.
