Wednesday, October 09, 2024
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G77+China demands exclusion of Cuba from terrorist list

Havana, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) The G77 + China Group has passed a ministerial statement rejecting the inclusion of Cuba in the arbitrary list of States Sponsoring Terrorism (SST), the Cuban Foreign Ministry informed on Wednesday.

The group requested the immediate exclusion of the Cuba from the list, on the 48th Meeting of G77 Foreign Ministers held on September 27 in New York, the source assured.

Participants at the meeting acknowledged that the U.S. Government’s inclusion of Cuba has translated into a strengthened U.S. blockade, making it harder for the island country to engage in financial and commercial operations, all of which threatens the subsistence and integrity of the Cuban people.

The document “is a valuable expression of solidarity that adds to the over 900 statements that this year have demanded the immediate rectification of this serious injustice against the Cuban people,” the Cuban Foreign Ministry stressed.

The G77+China is the most diverse group in the multilateral arena, whose 134 member states represent two-thirds of the membership of the United Nations and 80 percent of the global population.
