Wednesday, October 09, 2024
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Bolivian president honors Che Guevara on anniversary of his death

La Paz, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President, Luis Arce, paid tribute on Wednesday to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara on the 57th anniversary of his assassination in La Higuera, Santa Cruz department.

“(…) He dedicated his life to fight for social justice and equality, becoming a symbol of resistance against oppression and imperialism,” the head of State wrote on social networks.

Arce wrote on X that “#Che not only left a legacy of revolutionary ideals, but his sacrifice continues to inspire those of us who fight today for a more just world (…).”

The president added that the memory of the guerrilla commander lives on in the current struggles for freedom and dignity.

After being captured on October 8 in a battle in which an enemy bullet disabled his rifle, Che Guevara was killed in La Higuera, on October 9, 1967, on orders by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
