Tuesday, October 08, 2024
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ALBA-TCP expresses absolute solidarity with Palestinian people

Caracas, Oct 8 (Prensa Latina) ALBA-TCP on Tuesday voiced its deepest support for the brotherly people of Palestine, on the first anniversary of what it called the “inhumane and genocidal phase of savage aggression by the ruling elite in Israel”.

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) paid tribute in a statement to all the victims, family members and friends, who have suffered in their own flesh the consequences of “this genocide so shameful and painful for humanity.”

The Latin American and Caribbean integration bloc stressed that one year after “this cruel criminal and illegal attack,” the conflict threatens to spread throughout the Middle East.

The Alliance strongly rejected war in any form and in any part of the world, and reaffirmed its humanist principle and commitment to the well-being, peace and happiness of peoples.

ALBA-TCP described the indiscriminate massacre of tens of thousands of civilians, mostly children and women, who were not involved in the conflict, as an “inexcusable atrocity.”

The regional integration mechanism recognized the strength of the Palestinian people and their determination to resist the genocide and ethnic cleansing that the Israeli Government has unleashed from its expansionist desires, supported by the murderous weapons and interests of the US Government.

In this regard, it condemned “the complicit passivity of countries of the Western axis” in allowing such atrocious crimes to be perpetrated with the most absolute and despicable impunity, in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, International Law and International Humanitarian Law.

Palestine is more alive than ever despite having lived through 76 years of illegal occupation, pain, death and ruin, said ALBA-TCP, which reaffirmed that its call is always for peace, solidarity and peaceful and civilized coexistence among nations.

The Alliance reaffirmed that it has raised and will always raise its voice for the just causes of humanity, especially the Palestinian cause, which today is the cause of the peoples of the entire world.
