Monday, October 07, 2024
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Alert on the disappearance of 1,300 species of birds in two centuries

Washington, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) The extinction of 1,300 bird species over the next 200 years could have serious consequences for nature, a study published in Science warns.

These consequences are much greater than previously thought, since when species disappear, they also lose their role in the ecosystem, such as pollination, seed dispersal and pest control, the authors, from the University of Birmingham (UK), warned.

It is estimated that at least 610 species have already disappeared, almost all of them due to human causes, and it is forecasted that in the next two centuries alone, a further 1,305 species could become extinct, almost doubling what we have seen so far.

Beyond this number, the study warns that when a species disappears its role in the ecosystem dies with it, for example, some birds control pests by eating insects, scavengers recycle dead matter.

Others, the research illustrates, eat fruit and disperse the seeds allowing more plants and trees to grow and some are very important pollinators. As more species with different roles disappear, more functional diversity is lost, they stress.

Research also warns that 20% of functional diversity has already been lost globally and projects that an additional seven percent may be added over the next 200 years.
