Friday, October 04, 2024
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India rejects US report on religious freedom

New Delhi, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) The official spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Randhir Jaiswal rejected the latest report on India from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), describing it as malicious and distorted.

In response to questions from the press, the diplomat pointed out that the USCIRF’s annual report on India only serves to further discredit the US federal government’s own delegation.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom recommended to the White House to include India in the category of countries of particular concern for alleged violations of religious rights. It also suggested that the White House sanction Indian persons or organizations allegedly involved in these events by freezing their assets or prohibiting their entry into the United States

The USCIRF also encouraged the US embassy in New Delhi and the US consulates to strengthen their activities in communities with local officials and law enforcement, as well as with alleged political prisoners and human rights defenders.

In this regard, the Indian Foreign Ministry spokesperson emphasized that the USCIRF is a biased organization that follows a political agenda that distorts facts to spread a motivated narrative about India.

On behalf of his government, Jaiswal suggested that the US delegation abandon their practice and spend their time more productively by focusing on human rights issues affecting the United States.
