Thursday, October 03, 2024
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Argentine workers to reinforce fight against layoffs

Buenos Aires, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) The State Workers Association (ATE) of Argentina will reinforce its plan to fight against layoffs by holding sit-ins in front of several ministries.

According to the organization, the first of these actions will take place in front of the Ministry of Human Capital, which is expected to last 24 hours, after which a press conference will be held.

“We do not rule out the occupation of some organizations. We reject all illegal dismissals that translate into the dismantling of public policies and the loss of rights of the entire society. We demand the immediate reincorporation of the persons expelled arbitrarily,” said the general secretary of ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar.

Last week, union members held a national strike, and a mobilization in the Plaza de Mayo in the capital.

During an event near the Casa Rosada, Aguiar reiterated ATE’s will to continue defending the rights of employees and denounced the renewal of contracts for only three months, as well as the Executive’s decision not to extend many of them.

In recent months, ATE rejected the dismissal of tens of thousands of workers and the adjustment policies implemented by Javier Milei’s government. In addition, ATE supported the strikes and demonstrations of different sectors and participated in the massive marches held the day before throughout the country in defense of the public university. That association also highlighted the reunification process of the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA) and the Autonomous CTA, and the definition of a joint plan to combat the adjustment and the Executive’s measures against the popular sectors.
