Thursday, October 03, 2024
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Argentine President vetoes university financing law

Buenos Aires, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine president, Javier Milei, vetoed today a university financing law and thus ignored the demands from thousands of demonstrators who went out on the streets all over the country in defense of public education.

Under pretext of keeping the fiscal deficit at bay and ‘making Argentina great again’, the President made the announcement during the last hours and published in the Official Gazette decree 879/2024, which invalidates the previous law and sends it back to Congress.

The same happened with the law on pension mobility, which was eliminated, despite numerous demonstrations by trade union, social and human rights organizations.

However, according to the newspaper Página 12, Milei does not yet have the support of the 87 legislators necessary to ratify his second veto.

Meanwhile, members of Unión por la Patria (UP) announced that they will request a special session for Wednesday 9, with the purpose of challenging the head of state’s appeal.
