Wednesday, October 02, 2024
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Plebiscite on social security gets majority in Uruguay

Montevideo, Oct 2 (Prensa Latina) The social security plebiscite promoted by the union central PIT-CNT and opposed to President Luis Lacalle Pou, has a chance of winning at the polls, according to poll results released today.

A poll by Factum firm indicates that 51 percent of Uruguayans would vote for the proposal.

Forty-two percent said they would not, while seven percent are undecided or prefer not to provide an opinion.

Factum points out that the positions show clear differences according to voting intentions towards the national presidential and legislative elections.

Those who are inclined to vote for the Frente Amplio, almost two thirds of those who are inclined to vote for the Frente Amplio, almost two thirds expressed their support for the proposal to reform the pension system.

Among the voters of the parties that make up the Republican Coalition (of the government), 38 percent were in favor.

The day before, President Lacalle Pou urged his compatriots not to vote the plebiscite, which will take place on October 27 at the same time as the national elections.
