Tuesday, October 01, 2024
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Respiratory diseases increase due to wildfires in Ecuador

Quito, Oct 1 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian Medical Federation warned that respiratory diseases increased today, by 40 percent, due to the pollution generated by forest fires that hit the national territory.

The most affected cities, according to the health guild, are: Quito, Loja, Guayaquil and Latacunga.

Specialists declared to Teleamazonas channel that three pathologies predominate in these localities: allergic rhinitis, asthma and pharyngitis.

Children and older adults are the most affected, according to the president of the federation, Wilson Tenorio, who recommended the use of masks for 20 to 30 days.

More than 39,000 hectares of vegetation have been destroyed in Ecuador by the 3,496 forest fires since January until today in Ecuador.

According to data from the Secretariat of Risk Management (SGR), more than one million liters of water were needed to quell these fires.

The SGR detailed that the provinces most affected in hectares burnt are Loja, Azuay, Pichincha, Carchi, Cotopaxi, Imbabura, Chimborazo and Guayas with more than one thousand hectares lost.

They are followed by the jurisdictions of El Oro, Cañar, Tungurahua, Esmeraldas, Bolívar, Manabí and Santa Elena.
