Tuesday, October 01, 2024
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Cuban physicians give a boost to health and education in Mexico

Mexico, Oct 2 (Prensa Latina) Cuban health staff working in Mexico are contributing their efforts by caring for patients in often remote places, while simultaneously training and sharing their knowledge with local colleagues.

As part of bilateral cooperation, on July 22, 2022, the first group of 54 specialized doctors arrived in the state of Nayarit. Since then, 3,248 collaborators have been deployed throughout Mexico, including 3,043 physicians in 35 specialties who provide healthcare services in 596 hospitals and 500 primary care centers in remote and highly marginalized areas in 23 states.

A relevant aspect of their work is the assimilation and compliance with the regulations, standards, guides and protocols in force in Mexico’s healthcare and academic units.

There is satisfaction among both patients and institutions about the Cuban’s performance, given the great impact of their work on health coverage. During these years, Cubans have have given 1,779,608 consultations, performed 52,923 surgeries, delivered 3,199 children and made 1,562 cesarean sections.

In addition, they have been in charge of 173,403 dialysis sessions, 1,446 endoscopies and 16,086 high-tech studies.

They have also assisted their Mexican colleagues in treating patients and saving 293,222 lives.

The Cuban physicians have also developed an academic program with 196 professors of Medical Sciences who work in 83 universities in 22 states.

In this area, they have supported the organization of the educational teaching process in the courses of Comprehensive General Medicine, Community Health, Nursing and Obstetrics.

They have participated in updating the curriculum for the Comprehensive Medicine and Community Health course, and provided an academic updating process for professors in basic and advanced pedagogy.

Likewise, they have provided access to a collection of basic books by Cuban authors and taught students mostly from low-income families.
