Wednesday, October 02, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Argentine trade unions define action plan

Buenos Aires, Oct 1 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Workers' Central (CTA) and the CTA Autónoma (Autonomous CTA) have defined a joint action plan, after confirming their willingness to advance in a reunification process.

Both organizations approved a political declaration titled “Fight to resist, unity to win,” and announced that they will participate in a rally in defense of public university, scheduled for tomorrow.

In addition, they will attend the Plurinational Meeting of Women and Diversity on October 11th, 12th and 13th.

They will also hold provincial plenary sessions, and will present to the Congress and the Supreme Court of Justice a document with signatures against the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23, which eliminates or reforms hundreds of regulations.

In the declaration, the two CTAs reiterated their intention to “open a path of hope for the popular field in search of an emancipated, just and equitable homeland and to organize the enormous will of resistance of the people.”

The CTA and the CTA Autónoma decided to fight against layoffs and hunger, for public education and the university budget, for retirees and against repression. Both will oppose the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas and the surrender of sovereignty of the air space, and will demand the restitution of the resources taken from the provinces, a decent salary and respect for the right to strike and social protest.

Among other aspects, the organizations will denounce the vindication of the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983) and will defend the banners of Memory, Truth and Justice.
