Monday, September 30, 2024
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Panamanian unions demand solidarity system over insurance

Panama City, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the National Confederation of Independent Trade Union Unity (Conusi) of Panama, Marcos Andrade, today advocated a solidarity system to deal with the crisis that the Social Security Fund (CSS) is going through. After the fifth session of two working tables on pensions and medical benefits, in a brief summary of the debates in the Government, the spokesman for the alliance People United for Life, also stated that the only ones demanding individual accounts are private businessmen, which does not guarantee a dignified retirement.

Andrade indicated that organizations such as the College of Pharmacists and the National Medical Negotiating Commission also indicated that the solidarity system is the way forward, which would additionally increase taxes for the State.

The union leader denounced that the grass roots movements are feeling harassment in these talks held inside the Palacio de las Garzas (headquarters of the Executive), in addition to the fact that they have not been given access to statistics to make their own conclusions.

He further indicated that Conusi’s proposal was delivered last August to President José Raúl Mulino.

According to the schedule established by the Executive these meetings (on Monday and Wednesday), until October 31, the initiatives by various social sectors will be collected, in order to address the dire scenario facing the CSS.

The union’s proposals include transforming the current economic model, stressing on productive activity and the CSS obtaining autonomy, halting fragmentation and preventing its services and income from being privatized.

For Conusi, it is also key that the final decisions on the complex world of social security be adopted through referendum.

Regarding Monday’s talks, Francisco Bustamante, an advisor to the entity, reiterated that there are no plans to privatize the institution, which remains public.

He added that a common factor in the proposals are the possible sources of financing so as to maintain the funds for the pension system, in addition to rejecting parametric measures such as raising the retirement age and employer-employee contributions.
