Monday, September 30, 2024
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Palestinian forces condemn new Israeli attack on Yemen

Ramala, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian forces condemned an Israeli air strike against the Yemeni city of Hodeida, controlled by the Houthi militias, causing at least four deaths and 44 injured.

This new aggression “adds to the series of crimes committed by the enemy to shed the blood of the Arab and Muslim peoples,” said the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in a statement.

The Intifada Fatah movement spoke out in a similar vein, denouncing the attack against the civilian population.

In response, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) warned about the current escalation of violence and accused the goverment of the United States for supporting Israel’s aggressive stances. “The criminal enemy will not undermine the morale of our people or the peoples of our region,” it said.

The Israeli Air Force yesterday bombed the ports of Hodeida and Ras Issa, as well as two power plants, in retaliation for the actions of the Houthis, who a day earlier launched a missile against the Ben Gurion International Airport as a plane from New York carrying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was landing.

Following the air raid, regional television stations showed footage of large explosions and a fire in what appeared to be an oil storage tank in Hodeida.

Speaking to the Lebanese television station Al Mayadeen, a militia leader threatened a harsh response. “The United States failed in its aggression against Yemen and Israel will not achieve its objectives either, we know how to deal with them at the same time,” he said.

The bombing of civilian facilities is an attempt to intimidate us into ending our support for the Palestinian people, but we will never abandon them, said Muhammad Abdel Salam, spokesman for the armed group.
