Monday, September 30, 2024
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Opposition leaders under investigation for harrassing public media

Bogota, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Prosecutor's Office will investigate different opposition leaders for harassing the Public Media System RTVC and its manager Hollman Morris, informed today the affected media.

Those involved are Andres Rendon, Governor of Antioquia, Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal and former President Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010), for offenses against Morris, after the journalist interviewed Leonardo Rios, head of the 18th and 36th blocks of the Central General Staff of the extinct Revolutionary Armed Forces-People’s Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias-Ejercito del Pueblo).

According to the complaint, the aforementioned politicians reacted to the interview calling Morris a terrorist and a guerrilla fighter.

Ex president Uribe has repeatedly uttered slanderous and stigmatizing statements against Morris, which prompted the referred accusations for slandering at the Supreme Court of Justice, which ended with a conciliatory process’, the text indicated.

On September 19, RTVC announced that it would take legal action against senator of the Democratic Center, Maria Fernanda Cabal, for her accusations and smear campaign against the Public Media System.

“Her continued remarks have generated a wave of threats in social networks, accusations and a systematic smear campaign, which have resulted in attacks to journalists of the Information System throughout the country”, disclosed the Public Media System.

This informative platform also denounced that the delegitimization of RTVC is part of the soft coup that the opposition sectors seek to inflict on President Gustavo Petro.
