Monday, September 30, 2024
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López Obrador signs National Guard and indigenous people reforms

Mexico City, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, signed today in his last morning press conference the publication of two constitutional reforms, one on the National Guard and another on the rights of indigenous peoples.

Prior to the signing and on the day that closes his six-year term, the president stressed that with the first initiative it was achieved that this institution to guarantee public security, which already has 130 thousand elements and 500 facilities, becomes part of the Secretariat of National Defense.

This, in his opinion, “will give it solidity, permanence, discipline and honest management; above all, that it is not linked to organized crime or white-collar crime.”

The second initiative recognizes indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities as subjects of public law, and underlines, among other things, that the nation has a multiethnic composition.

Both projects, sent in a package of 20 proposed reforms to the Constitution presented last February by the president, received the approval of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and the established number of local legislatures to give it validity.
