Monday, September 30, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Colombians and Cubans pay tribute to Fidel Castro

Bogota, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) A wreath in honor of Commander Fidel Castro will be laid at the Francisco Jose de Caldas District University in this capital on Monday, as a tribute to the life of the leader of the Cuban Revolution.

The president of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) and Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Fernando Gonzalez, will attend the tribute after lecturing at the university on the effects of the blockade imposed by the United States on education in his country.

Gonzalez is accompanied by Elier Ramirez, deputy director of the Fidel Castro Center in Havana and National Assembly (Parliament) lawmaker; Yara Valera, ICAP official at the Latin America department; and Cuban Ambassador to Colombia, Javier Caamaño.

The tribute closes a week of academic and cultural activities being held in this capital as part of the 33rd National Meeting of the Colombian Movement of Solidarity with Cuba, which officially concluded on Sunday.

The event, in which the Cuban guests participated, was held at this capital’s Gabriel Garcia Marquez Cultural Center on Friday, September 27, in which more than 100 delegates from all over this country participated.

It ended with a declaration rejecting the economic, financial, and commercial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States and condemning the Caribbean nation’s unjust inclusion in Washington’s list of State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT).
