Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Russia condemns Israel’s military attacks on Lebanon

Moscow, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Russia strongly condemns the large-scale Israeli military attacks against Lebanon, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said today.

We would like to stress in particular our position of principle on the categorical inadmissibility of indiscriminate attacks, whose victims are civilians, the spokeswoman said in a statement published Tuesday on her social network Telegram.

Zakharova also stressed the need to stop the spiral of violence before the situation gets completely out of control.

We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, which would prevent further bloodshed and create conditions for the situation to move towards a political and diplomatic solution, she said.

The spokeswoman said that everything possible must be done to prevent the Middle East from plunging into a full-scale armed conflict, the devastating consequences of which will inevitably affect everyone, both in the region and beyond.

Zakharova also expressed Moscow’s readiness to coordinate its actions with international and regional partners ‘to avoid such a catastrophic scenario’.

She also recalled the current recommendations for Russian citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon, adding that those currently in the country should exercise extreme caution and follow the security instructions of local authorities.

Yesterday, Israel launched a wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in residential areas in southern Lebanon.

Thousands of families fleeing the bombing were trapped in a roadblock that blocked the main highway to Beirut and took more than eight hours to cover a distance of less than 80 kilometers.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) maintain that its attacks are directed against Hezbollah.

The Lebanese Health Ministry says Israel’s massive wave of air strikes in southern and eastern Lebanon on Monday killed at least 492 people, and wounded 1,645.
