Tuesday, September 17, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



National Meeting of Alternative Media to be held in Colombia

Bogota, Sep 12 (Prensa Latina) The National Meeting of Alternative, Community and Digital Media of Colombia will begin today at the Metropolitan Cultural Center of Conventions of Armenia, in the department of Quindio, in the central-western region of the country.

According to the Mayor’s Office of Armenia, President Gustavo Petro is expected to attend the opening day of the event, which aims to strengthen the capacities and influence of alternative media in Colombia and to outline the routes to follow.

The meeting will be attended by renowned national and international experts, who will share their knowledge and experiences to enrich the role of these media in the social and communicational fabric.

The debates will be attended by experts from Colombia, Spain, Brazil, Argentina and, based on the program, one of the speakers will be the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the host country, Mauricio Lizcano, and also the Spanish political scientist Juan Carlos Monedero.

The National Meeting of Alternative, Community and Digital Media, which will include talks, panels, workshops and master classes, will end tomorrow.
