Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Syrian Baath Party praises Cuba’s fair stances (+Photo)

Damascus, Sep 8 (Prensa Latina) Fadel Najar, a member of the Central Directorate and head of the Organization Bureau of the Syrian Arab Socialist Baath Party, praised Cuba's policies and its positions towards the just causes of the people.

The island’s positions towards regional issues in general and towards Syria in particular are honorable, said the leader of the ruling party during his reception of the Cuban ambassador in Damascus, Luis Mariano Fernandez.

He thanked Havana for its support to Damascus in international forums and in its confrontation with the unjust war that this Arab nation has been waging since 2011.

Our two nations are fighting a battle against the destructive ideas and hostile policies of imperialism and are targets of acts of sabotage, a toxic media war and an unjust siege, he said.

Najjar highlighted the deep roots of bilateral relations since the era of leader Fidel Castro and former President Hafez al-Assad, and called for efforts to improve, expand and develop relations between the Baath Party and the Cuban Communist Party.

On the other hand, he considered that Syria is gradually reversing the war and its consequences with the wisdom of the president, the courage of the Army, the firmness of its people and the help of friendly countries.

The war against Syria is due to its adoption of policies to defend its sovereignty, its rights and its independence in decision-making, the official said.

The Cuban ambassador, for his part, highlighted the fraternal ties and the coincidence of positions of the two countries in the defense of sovereignty and the confrontation with brutal unilateral sanctions.

The two parties stressed the need to work to comply with the instructions of Presidents Bashar Al-Assad and Miguel Díaz-Canel to restore strategic relations and advance joint cooperation in all fields.
