Monday, September 16, 2024
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Blinklen’s visit to the Dominican Republic and Haiti repudiated

Santo Domingo, Sep 6 (Prensa Latina) Political and social organizations of the Dominican Republic and Haiti today repudiated the visit to both countries of U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken.

In a joint statement, the signatories warned that Blinklen’s presence seeks to “tighten the claws of recolonization and plunder” and “has an interfering character that will not bring anything good to the Haitian people, nor to the Dominican people”.

Rather, they said, it will seek to consolidate the neocolonial domination imposed in Haiti since the first US military occupation (1915-1934) and in the Dominican Republic (1916-1924).

They indicated that the mission of the U.S. Secretary of State cannot be other than to protect the interests of imperialism in Haiti and of the small elite of that country, and they agreed that he will do the same in the Dominican Republic.

They declared that with the occupation of the neighboring and impoverished nation they seek to control its wealth, in addition to what it represents to have geopolitical control of the territory, while “the Dominican Republic is under the tutelage of the Southern Command, USAID, DEA, FBI and the US Navy…”.

They recalled that, on a world scale, the United States and NATO impose their hybrid global war with sanctions and blockades”.

In this regard, they pointed out that “these barbarities are evident in the ongoing genocide in Gaza, in various forms of aggression against other countries in the Middle East, as well as against nations with popular governments, such as Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Honduras”.
