Wednesday, September 18, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Argentine Health Workers Pressing on for Improvements

Buenos Aires, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) The Trade Union Federation of Health Professionals of the Republic of Argentina (FESPROSA) confirmed on Tuesday they will continue to mobilize for improvements that include decent salaries.

Next Thursday at 13:30, local time, groups of nurses will hold a rally and an open radio broadcast in front of the Supreme Court of Justice, in Buenos Aires, to demand the ratification of two rulings that equate their salaries with those of other professionals in the area.

In Santa Fe, the Union of University Health Professionals called on a strike for the same day in front of the Legislature, in repudiation of a pension reform to be implemented in that province.

Additionally, the Self-Convened Health Workers of Tucuman will demonstrate tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. at Plaza Independencia, to demand better wages.

In San Luis, the Association of Professionals and Technicians will rally at 11:00 at the gates of the Legislature, in defense of public health and full-time contracts.

In addition, in Santa Cruz, San Juan and Chubut the salaried workers asked to reopen negotiations to achieve increases in their salaries.

On September 9, the Executive Council of FESPROSA will analyze problems affecting the sector and also discuss how to support protests in each of the provinces.
