Friday, September 13, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Scientists in Cuba study danger of Pinar’s fault earthquakes

Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban researchers are studying the paleoseismology of Pinar's fault, a long-standing desire of the scientific community about a region of the country that has reported several earthquakes throughout history, it was disclosed.

The director of the National Center for Seismological Research (Cenais), O’Leary Fernando González, explained to Granma newspaper that in a first stage the location of the possible places for the studies were carried out, based on the geological work.

For the time being, specialists from Cenais and a Venezuelan expert with extensive experience in the Caribbean and in South America are involved. He affirmed that as progress is made, other scientists from Cuba and other countries should join in.

He pointed out that the research began with the support of the Cuenca Resiliente project implemented in the western Cuban province of Pinar del Río, for early warning against the risks of natural disasters.

It is a complex study, which will take months and perhaps more time, the specialist warned.

The main objective is to know more precisely how dangerous the Pinar del Río’s fault is and how much it threatens the communities, he said.
