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Syria and Iranian foreign ministers ratify strategic relations

Damascus, Aug 23 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Mekdad and Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi stressed the importance of boosting and strengthening strategic ties between the two countries and taking them to new perspectives.

In a telephone conversation, the head of the Syrian diplomacy congratulated his Iranian counterpart for assuming his new post as Foreign Minister of the Persian country and conveyed President Bashar Al-Assad’s greetings to Leader of the Iranian Revolution Ali Khamenei and Masoud Pezeshkian, President of Iran.

The two ministers agreed to continue coordinating positions on regional issues, including continued support for the Palestinian people, according to a press release from the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

They strongly condemned the policy of genocide and crimes committed by the Israeli occupier against the Palestinian people with full impunity.

They also condemned the Western policies, especially those of the United States, which support Israel in its massacres against the Palestinian people.

They denounced the lack of seriousness to stop these crimes and their total disregard for the human suffering of the Palestinian people.

They also agreed to continue consultations and coordination between them on issues of interest to both countries and the peoples of the region and the world.
