Thursday, September 19, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Argentine organizations carry out national day of struggle

Buenos Aires, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Argentine social, union, and human rights organizations will carry out a national day of struggle through assemblies, strikes, mobilizations, and other actions against the police of the Government of Javier Milei.

Members of groups such as the State Workers Association, the 62 Peronist Trade Organizations, the Grandmothers and Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared, the General Confederation of Labor, the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy, the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, the Central Workers (CTA) and the CTA-Autonomous, among others, will participate in a mass service, scheduled for 08:00, local time, and in the subsequent rally in front of the Casa Rosada.

“In Argentina, where seven out of 10 children are in poverty, we mobilize to show the serious emergency, marked by the increase in poverty and hunger. Within a great environment of unity, we face persecution, attacks on workers, denialism, and contempt for the progress achieved with the Memory, Truth, and Justice policies, the situation of our retirees, and the lack of access to medicines for cancer patients,” says a statement from the organizations.

The document also denounced the closure of small and medium-sized businesses and the consequent wave of layoffs in the private and state sectors; the defunding of science, public schools, and universities; the unfavorable state of neighborhood clubs and the handover of Argentina’s sovereignty and resources.
